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All Day Mini Kirtan Fest

Last year, we had an amazing and unforgettable day for the first ever Mini Chanting Festival. It was a magical time – a full day retreat of blissful chanting. 

This summer The Rail Trail Café has once again become a home for many wonderful chanting events. Chanting under the “cathedral of trees” has offered spiritual uplift and inspiration for many chant lovers. So many have come to sing, dance and pray in the open air responding to the devotional offerings of the Hudson Valley’s many gifted chant bands and kirtan leaders.

Chant offerings came from local Hudson Valley Kirtan leaders and musicians: The Spirit Brothers, Steve Gorn, Renee Radharani, Seth Lieberman, Arundhati, Ishwari, Ned & Lynn, and Krishna Devotees from Bhakti Bhandar. Most will return for this year’s event along with some new leaders.

Please come for some or all of the day. As always, there will be wonderful, healthy and delicious food available through the café. We are very grateful to the founders of the Café, Tara and Brian, for sponsoring this event and to Steven and Robin Larson who host the Café on their land. Admission will be by donation with proceeds going to benefit the Café

for any further info or questions contact 

October 7

Cafe Bazaar!

May 13

Pablo Shine