Neetopk Keetopk ( Algonquin for My friends Your Friends ) a grass roots collective will be co-hosting our event.
Please join us for an afternoon of music, song and story.
Celebration starts at 1:00 pm and ends at 4:00
The Cloud Breakers will open the day with traditional drumming and singing
followed by a land acknowledgment and flute meditation
by Evan Pritchard, who will also introduce our theme Mending the Hoop.
Sarah Elizabeth will speak on regenerative farming,
Esi Lewis will talk about restorative justice, Matokah Little Eagle will perform and Sally Bermanzohn will
speak about Tending the Earth,
Annie Mardiney, local bird
rehabilitator, will introduce a few special birds,
and Elga Antonsen will share some poems
Many other presenters will make an appearance including Scott Belongi on cedar flutes.